Pottery Barn “Town Crier” Novelty Bell Cocktail Shaker

Following Prohibition, everybody was getting into making cocktails at home, and this led to a massive influx in a wide variety of different cocktail shakers hitting the market. While many of them were simply taking on different artistic styles, other’s attempted to impart a little extra whimsy, even if it might have detracted just a little from then functionality.

One such cocktail shaker was the "Town Crier" bell shaker. There were a couple of different styles that this took, I assume because one company was trying to copy the successful products of another. One of the more functional, and I feel more elegant, versions was the nickel/steel with wooden handle version which came out in the late 1930’s.

While perusing the Pottery Barn website today, I noticed that they now sell what appears to be a fairly faithful reproduction of this cocktail shaker, and at $54 it doesn’t seem like a bad price. I have an original, and will have to try to find one on the local stores to compare it with. If any of you have picked one of these up, post a comment and let us know what you think of it?

For comparison purposes, here is an image of one of the orignals, which is being sold for $230 here.

One Response to “Pottery Barn “Town Crier” Novelty Bell Cocktail Shaker”

  1. Robert Says:

    FYI: Stopped into a local Pottery Barn this weekend and was told that these are only available via catalog or the web, and won\’t be sold in their stores.

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