Mixologist: Journal of the American Coc-ktail

Mixologist: Journal of the American Cocktail

I belong to a small group of people who have, in very short order, pulled together a cocktail museum down in New Orleans. It has all be quite exciting, and there are several different projects that are related to this musuem that are currently at various phases of completion. One of them is an annual "Journal" that we will publish that will contain a collection of essays and papers that provide detailed information that we think bartenders across the nation would be interested it, or at least "should’ be interested in. Our first edition has just rolled off the presses, and we’re pretty excited about how it all looks.

Here is a list of articles from this first edition:

    A Brief History of Punch
    David Wondrich

    The Rise and Fall of the Martini
    Robert Hess

    History and Character of the Gimlet
    Paul Clarke

    The Genealogy and Mythology of the Singapore Sling
    Ted "Dr. Cocktail" Haigh

    The Bellini
    Lowell Edmunds

    If You Like Piña Coladas
    Jared Brown

    Antoine Amedee Peychaud
    Phil Greene

    Down to the Sea in Ships
    Anistatia Miller

    The Definitive Guide to Simple Syrup
    Darcy O’Neil

    Twenty-First Century Cocktails
    Audrey Saunders

    The Long and Winding Road
    Gary Regan

To order your own copy, you can find it up on Amazon.com, or you can order it directly from the special publishing arm of the Museum here: http://www.Mixellany.com

It’s hard to believe that it was just about 8 months ago that I was discussing with Anistatia Miller the "idea" of doing something like this. And here we are with an actual book, fully published, and taking orders from all over the world.

We are already in the planning stages for the next edition, and so far it looks like we’ll have to double the size just to get all of the great article ideas in that are already coming in. If -you- think you’d like to send in a submission for our next issue, you can get the details here: http://www.mixellany.com/guidelines.html

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